Behaviour, Support & Attendance
Behaviour expectations
A positive clear behaviour code is in place and is essential if children are to learn. Extensive use of praise and rewards are used to encourage the children to behave positively.
Our general principles in relation to attitudes and behaviour are about respect for each other, kindness and for school property and the school environment. Children will be reminded of the behaviour expectations on a regular basis and key messages, identifying expectations are displayed in classrooms around the school. Behaviour is managed with a whole school approach using a ‘Good to be Green’ system, with varying consequences through yellow, orange and then red.
The school is fully committed to working with parents/carers to support children who are experiencing difficulties with their behaviour. When a child’s behaviour is a concern, then a targeted intervention programme will be developed, implemented and parents/carers will be required to support this programme.
Healthy Body and Mind
In line with our drive to develop healthy young children, a Breakfast Club is provided, at a cost, for children to attend. Cereal, toast and juice are available as part of the club and the provision of safe play, a range of activities including ICT, board games, inside and outside play. (For information about Breakfast Club, please ask at the main office.)
At break times, children are provided with fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables as a snack.
Our school lunches are freshly prepared and cooked on the premises and allow for a range of meals including Halal and vegetarian alternatives.
If a packed lunch is preferable, parents/carers are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch, including a sandwich, yoghurt, fresh fruit and juice. No sweets or chocolate and allowing for crisps once a week.
Pastoral Care
Ensuring children feel safe and happy is essential if they are going to attend school regularly and effectively engage in learning.
Within the Nursery, the children in each morning or afternoon session will be working with two teachers and two Nursery Nurses. In the Foundation Stage Reception classes, children are all placed within a class group, which has an identified teacher and Nursery Nurse. The staff have the opportunity to get to know the children well and to ensure they are safe, happy and cared for.
Most of the daily contact with parents/carers will be via the class teaching team, either through daily contact, when bringing their child to school or collecting them at the end of the day.
Parents/carers are encouraged to work in partnership with the teaching staff to ensure a sound relationship is built to support the children at the earliest stage of their education.
In addition to the class teaching team, some children will receive additional support from additional Teaching Assistants, the School Counsellor and SENCo.
Within Buxton School, we recognise the clear link between good attendance and children’s attainment. It is vitally important that these patterns of attendance are developed early on in life. We, therefore, expect all children to attend school regularly. If there is a need for a child to be absent from school due to illness or another reason, then the school should be contacted on the first day of absence. The school operates a zero-tolerance policy regarding holiday leave during term time and in accordance with this, any unauthorised holiday leave will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer and lead to a fixed penalty notice (currently £60 charge per pupil per parent/carer).
Any queries about their child’s attendance, parents/carers should request to see the Attendance Officer.