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Home School Contract



Buxton School

I /we will:
  • Make sure my child attends school every day, on time

  • Make sure my child wears the correct uniform to, at and on the way home from school (see other side for list of banned items)

  • Make sure my child has the correct learning equipment for the day, including PE kit

  • Make sure my child completes their homework on time and to the best standard

  • Attend all Parents’ Evenings and other appointments and meetings to discuss my child’s progress

  • Make sure my contact details are up-to-date and

  • Let reception know if my details change

  • Read and sign my child’s Student Planner every week

  • Make sure my child goes straight home after leaving school to ensure their safety and does not loiter in the local area

  • Approach the school to help resolve any issues of concern

  • Understand that both yourself and staff need to work together for the benefit of your child

  • Pay for any deliberate damage caused by my child

  • Support and reinforce all the school policies

  • Support the following (for secondary students):

  1.  Up to 30 minute detentions without notice
  2.  Same day detention after school until 4 pm once informed (sanction for disrupting the learning of others)
  3. 20 minute lunch time detentions
In Class/School Expectations, I will:
  • Attend school every day, on time

  • Be on time to every single lesson

  • Wear the correct uniform at all times

  • Always have the correct equipment for the day

  • Follow school rules at all times

  • Complete my homework on time to a high standard

  • Respect the authority of staff and do what they ask me to do the first time

  • Be polite at all times and be mindful of my language

  • Aim to make positive contributions in every lesson

  • move around the school and the site in a safe and calm manner

  • Respect the personal space of others and never ‘playfight’

Out of School Expectations, I will:
  • Wear the uniform correctly to, from and at school

  • Use social media appropriately, never placing myself or others at risk of harm or distress

  • Go straight home after school and always follow staff instructions immediately outside the school site in the local area and on school trips

  • Do nothing to bring the name of the school into disrepute Everywhere  

  • I will be kind, honest, respectful and uphold our Buxton values

We will:
  • Provide a safe, honest, kind and supportive learning environment for learners to achieve their full potential that opens doors and inspires ambition

  • Report regularly on learners’ progress and what they need to do next

  • Provide opportunities for parents/carers to discuss their child’s progress with teachers and other professionals

  • Keep parents/carers informed and listen and respond promptly to concerns

  • Be clear as to the standards of behaviour expected both in and outside school and respond to issues in a firm and fair manner

  • Contact home if secondary students are to be detained for more than 30 minutes after the end of the school day

Banned Items at Buxton School

  • Chewing gum
  • Mobile phones: secondary students may have a mobile phone but it must be switched OFF before they enter the school site and will be confiscated if seen by any member of staff, even if on silent mode. Mobile phones are a distraction to learning. If parents/carers need to contact their child, they can do so by calling the school office and a message will be passed on. Students can get their phones out and switch them on after they have left the school site. If your child is found to have used their mobile phone to photograph, film or record another student or adult, their mobile phone will be kept until the end of the school year. It is possible that the mobile phone will be passed on to the police in some instances.
  • Ear phones (all kinds) will be confiscated if seen by any member of staff
  • False nails of any kind or nail varnish
  • False eyelashes of any kind
  • Trainers of any kind. Except for nursery and reception children, PE and other such activities, students must wear plain, black shoes at all times, to and from school.
  • Hoodies and sports jackets
  • Sweatshirts /tops
  • Sparkly earrings, regardless of how small. Any earrings except small, plain studs (gold or silver) are not allowed.
  • Caps/hats (only plain black woollen hat in cold months for the playground) – secondary students
  • Bandanas/Durags
  • Jewellery except for a small watch and earrings that must be small, plain studs of silver or gold colour only and one only in each ear)
  • SMART watches
  • Laser pens and laser pointers
  • Aerosols
  • Shisha pens/electronic cigarettes
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers
  • Video or audio recording devices and covert technologies
  • Portable PS4s, iPADs, Tablets etc

Involvement with the following items in school will lead to permanent exclusion:

(Ref: DFE-00034-2014)
  • Illegal drugs
  • Knives or weapons (including make-shift and imitation weapons, BB, cap or pellet guns or any bladed item)
  • Fireworks
@BuxtonSchInfo - 21 Mar
We will be holding a 'Blooms for Mum' raffle next week, ahead of Mother's Day on 30th March. Tickets will be sold for £2 between 24th-26th March. Primary children can purchase from their class teacher, whilst secondary will be able to purchase them at break and lunch.
@BuxtonSchInfo - 20 Mar
Visit our website or click on the link below to read the Executive Headteacher's All Through , 20.03.2025
@BuxtonSchInfo - 18 Mar
Last week, when the weather was much warmer, our Nursery children had a great time exploring the Spring plants in our Secret Garden!
@BuxtonSchInfo - 14 Mar
Don't forget that next Friday, we will be fundraising for Comic Relief! We are very excited to be hosting our 'Money Can't Buy' raffle and Buxton Bake Sale. See the poster and talk to your child's teacher for more details.
@BuxtonSchInfo - 13 Mar
Congratulations to the winners of our World Book Day costume competition - some incredible outfits were on display and the competition was very close! Also, a big congratulations to our Get Caught Reading competition - Ashwin from KS1 and Derrin from KS2!
@BuxtonSchInfo - 11 Mar
We had a great time today at our Buxton Bear Cubs session for our local community. Thank you to everyone who attended and to our wonderful staff for organising a great event! Keep your eyes peeled for the next Buxton Bear Cubs session!
@BuxtonSchInfo - 8 Mar
✨ Happy International Women’s Day from Buxton School! ✨ Please click on the following link for more details:
@BuxtonSchInfo - 7 Mar
Our beautiful afternoon Nursery children celebrating World Book Day.  We read the Hungry Caterpillar, talked about the food and made and ate fruit salad.  Super efforts on the Hungry Caterpillar costumes too!
@BuxtonSchInfo - 6 Mar
Happy World Book Day! “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” - Richard Steele World Book Day dressing up was a story that came to life at Buxton today, pure magic in every costume! Please click on the following link to see the images:
@BuxtonSchInfo - 5 Mar
Are you ready for World book Day? We look forward to seeing your creations in the morning, £1:00 donation at the gate See you tomorrow Buxton!
@BuxtonSchInfo - 5 Mar
Learning Through Quality Lessons
@BuxtonSchInfo - 4 Mar
Our Values
@BuxtonSchInfo - 4 Mar
@BuxtonSchInfo - 3 Mar
@BuxtonSchInfo - 20 Dec
Support over the Winter Holiday break:
@BuxtonSchInfo - 28 Nov
Adverse Weather - in the event that the School is closed because of severe weather conditions, the main source of information will be the website. However, we may also communicate directly with parents via email.
@BuxtonSchInfo - 27 Nov
Adverse Weather - in the event that the School is closed because of severe weather conditions, the main source of information will be the website. However, we may also communicate directly with parents via email and text message.
@BuxtonSchInfo - 27 Sep
Full post available here: or
@BuxtonSchInfo - 19 Sep
Newsletter 19/09/2024 - our first fortnightly newsletter of this academic year is now available....
@BuxtonSchInfo - 9 Sep
Buxton School's Open Days and Evening 2024 are nearly here....please click on this link for more information:
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