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The logo symbolises our commitment to providing high-quality and safe remote learning experiences in line with the DfE's guidance.
In January 2021, the DfE published their 'Review your remote education provision' guidance to support schools to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their remote education provision, and to signpost them to resources that can help them improve their practice. Our 'Safe Remote Education' accreditation has been directly aligned to the DfE guidance and to the approaches outlined under the 'safeguarding and wellbeing' section of the framework.
Link to access Satchel One: https://www.satchelone.com/login
Link to access school emails/Microsoft Teams: https://login.microsoftonline.com/
Satchel One and Microsoft Teams
Show My Homework/Satchel One:
Link to access Satchel One: https://www.satchelone.com/login
School emails/Microsoft Teams:
Link to access school emails/Microsoft Teams:
Show My Homework/Satchel One and Microsoft Teams Tutorial
Remote Learning Gallery
Please check out all the great work that has been sent in to us!
If you would like to send us a piece of work please email it to gallery@buxtonschool.org.uk.
Remote Education Provision
primary_phase_remote_learning_expectations_2022_2023.pdfSecondary Phase Remote Learning Expectations 2022-23.pdf
Contact My Teacher - Primary
Please e-mail the following:
Year 1: year1@buxtonschool.org.uk
Year 2: year2@buxtonschool.org.uk
Year 3: year3@buxtonschool.org.uk
Year 4: year4@buxtonschool.org.uk
Year 5: year5@buxtonschool.org.uk
Year 6: year6@buxtonschool.org.uk